Anker’s Soundcore Space One headphones were a big hit when they launched in 2023, delivering a bargain alternative to Beats headphones with built-in ANC for a very low price. And now there’s a new model, the Space One Pro. The brand says that these are its most premium headphones ever, and while they’re a little more expensive than their predecessors, they’re smartly designed and have an impressive specification to rival the best noise cancelling headphones.
The previous Soundcore Space One headphones were $100 / £100. These new Soundcore Space One Pro are $199 / £149 (about AU$290), so they’re stepping closer to the likes of the Sony ULT Wear Headphones or the Sennheiser Accentum Plus. There’s also a carrying case but that costs extra: $34.99 / £29.99. However, if you’re an early buyer before 26 September, you’ll get the case for free.