Google’s new Google Pixel 9 phones are full of useful Gemini AI-supported skills, including the startlingly capable Add Me group photograph Camera App utility that lets...
As a New Yorker who has lived in small apartments for the past 15 years, I gravitate toward solutions that can help me maximize my space...
The Emmy campaign trail can be a slog, but Diane Lane is loving it. With an Emmy nomination in tow, Lane has been hitting the circuit...
The compact and durable JBL Go 4 makes for a good poolside companion. It’s the latest, May 2024-issue model in the Go range, and is one...
One of Nintendo’s flagship phone games is shutting down, but it isn’t going away completely. As announced on the official website for the iOS and Android...
It’s becoming a tradition: The Chicks will sing “The Star Spangled Banner” on the final night of the Democratic National Convention Thursday evening, just as they...
Oil giant Halliburton is grappling with a significant computer system issue reportedly linked to a cyberattack. The firm has acknowledged the problem, but so far has...
In an era of expensive devices or services falling prey to security problems and whatnot, it’s always nice to hear about a genuinely funny and seemingly...
Though “Mountains” spends most of its time grappling with the quiet worries of its immigrant characters, Sorelle eventually turns to their son Junior (Chris Renois), an...
“The Traitors” U.K. fans are in for a treat as the BBC today confirmed a fourth season of the hit show as well as a celebrity...