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Stardew Valley: Tips To Make The Most Of Mining



stardew mining tips

Mining can be one of the most lucrative activities in Stardew Valley, if the player knows how to do it right. Early in the game, though, making money off of mining can be tricky. Between monsters attacking the player and struggling to find exits to the next level, sometimes new players grow frustrated.

However, mining doesn’t have to be tedious. It can be one of the most entertaining and exciting aspects of the game, in addition to earning the player huge profits. Here are a few tips and tricks for players looking to maximize their mining potential and have fun along the way.

Updated January 31, 2025, by Demaris Oxman: Stardew Valley‘s 1.6 update introduced the Mastery system, offering further advancement to players who have maxed out all their skills. Gaining Mastery over each skill provides incredible new abilities in that area, and Mining is no exception. For players who want to make the most of this aspect of the relaxing farming sim, choosing to master Mining is a no-brainer. With that in mind, this article has been updated to include details on what Mining Mastery involves and the benefits it provides. With it, farmers who challenge themselves to become experts at exploring caves can emerge with riches untold.



10 Surprising Tips For Stardew Valley Most Players Don’t Know

Stardew Valley’s gameplay has a surprising amount of depth, but these ten tips and tricks will make the farm life a lot simpler for you.



Upgrade The Pickaxe

A Powerful Tool Makes Everything Easier

A player mining copper in Stardew Valley

This may seem like an obvious one, but it still shouldn’t be discounted. For players aiming to make money off of mining, upgrading the pickaxe should be at the top of their list of priorities. Each upgrade tier allows the player to break rocks faster and use less energy while doing so. Once players can break rocks and ore veins rapidly, they can quickly accumulate materials and delve their way deeper into mines and dungeons.

Here’s what players will need to upgrade the pickaxe at each level. Head over to Clint’s shop with the materials and the gold, and he’ll have the upgrade ready in a few in-game days.






5 Copper Bar




5 Iron Bar



5 Gold Bar




5 Iridium Bar



Pay Attention to Daily Luck

Watch the Fortune Teller Every Day

The Fortune Teller TV show

The Fortune Teller channel on the TV gives the player an idea of what their luck looks like that day. When the spirits are “very happy” or “in a good mood,” players have a higher chance of finding valuable items and will meet fewer monsters, increasing their chances of survival. Thus, these are the best days to go spelunking.


Avoid going to the mines — especially Skull Cavern — if the spirits are “mildly perturbed” or “very displeased.” The player will encounter more enemies on such days, slain monsters will be far less likely to drop items, and players are less likely to survive their trip to the mines.


Choose The Right Professions


At Mining Level 5, players can choose between two professions. Depending on which they choose, the player will get another profession choice at Level 10.

  • Miner: The player will get +1 ore per vein.
    • Blacksmith: Metal bars will be worth 50% more.
    • Prospector: Doubles the player’s chance to find coal.
  • Geologist: Offers a chance for gems to appear in pairs.
    • Gemologist: All gems and minerals are worth 30% more.
    • Excavator: Doubles the chance to find geodes.

Players looking to make money off of mining should pick Geologist at level 5, and Gemologist at level 10. Though the other options can be helpful depending on play style, most players won’t have difficulty amassing ore, coal, or geodes. Increasing the frequency and value of gemstones allows players to make more cash faster — not to mention, gems make great gifts.


Be Speedy

Run Faster, Break Rocks Faster, Kill Monsters Faster

Several kegs with coffee brewed

Players will be surprised how big a difference speed makes in mining productivity. Always bring stardew valley coffeeCoffee
(or better yet, stardew valley triple shot espressoTriple Shot Espresso
) along to the caves. Buffs from drinks are separate from food buffs, so don’t worry about removing a meal’s active effect by sipping coffee. To make this energizing drink, place 5 coffee beans into a Keg. Players can then use three Coffees to brew a Triple Shot Espresso in their kitchen. Both have the same speed buff, but the Espresso’s lasts longer.

The speed boost doesn’t just make the player walk faster; it speeds up tools and weapons as well. Between fighting monsters and smashing rocks, everything moves more quickly with this bonus. This allows players to collect more items in a shorter span of time — and run away from monsters that turn out to be a bit too much.


Utilize Buffs

Meals Can Increase Luck, Defense, Mining, & More

Roots Platter on the cooking menu in Stardew Valley

Cooking the right meal is essential for maximizing any skill in Stardew Valley, and mining is no exception. Cranberry Sauce, for example, provides +2 to this skill. Eggplant Parmesan offers +1 to Mining as well as +3 Defense, a helpful bonus when fighting monsters.



10 Stardew Valley Mods Every Player Needs

Stardew valley is a relaxing, addicting game all on its own, but with these 10 mods you can get a fresh look or a new experience to keep things fresh.


A mining skill increase isn’t the only useful effect for dungeon divers. Players can increase both their Luck and Speed with Spicy Eel, or boost their attack power with a Roots Platter. Bean Hotpot increases maximum energy, a helpful boost for breaking boulders. All of these buffs can prove invaluable for helping players to survive the mines, Skull Cavern, or the Volcano Dungeon. Here’s what players will need for each meal:






stardew valley cranberry sauceCranberry Sauce

Gus, 7 hearts

  • Energy: 125
  • Health: 56
  • +2 Mining

stardew valley eggplant parmesanEggplant Parmesan

Lewis, 7 hearts

  • Energy: 175
  • Health: 78
  • +1 Mining
  • +3 Defense

stardew valley spicy eelSpicy Eel

George, 7 hearts

  • Energy: 115
  • Health: 51
  • +1 Luck
  • +1 Speed

stardew valley roots platterRoots Platter

Combat Level 3

  • 1 Cave Carrot
  • 1 Winter Root
  • Energy: 125
  • Health: 56
  • +3 Attack

stardew valley bean hotpotBean Hotpot

Clint, 7 hearts

  • Energy: 125
  • Health: 56
  • +30 Max Energy
  • +32 Magnetism


Bring Non-Buffing Food

Restore Health Without Changing Buffs

Life Elixir in the crafting menu

Survival in the mines can be a challenge, especially as players dig deeper or take on the Skull Cavern challenge. While lots of recipes provide incredible skill boosts, it’s also important to bring healing items that don’t have these effects. For example, if the player eats Spicy Eel, then runs low on health and eats Pancakes, the latter’s Foraging buff will replace the Luck and Speed effects of the first meal. Non-buffing food that simply restores health and energy is essential to survive the mines in Stardew Valley.

Players can also use the stardew valley lifeLife Elixir
to restore their health to maximum no matter how low it drops. This item is craftable starting at Combat level 2, using 1 Red Mushroom, 1 Purple Mushroom, 1 Chanterelle, and 1 Morel. The Energy Tonic does the same for energy. However, this item cannot be crafted; players must purchase it from Harvey or receive it from Pam in the mail.

In general, the best non-buffing consumables in the game are the stardew valley purple mushroomPurple Mushroom
and the stardew valley magma capMagma Cap
. The Energy and Health they restore varies based on their quality:






Purple Mushroom

Magma Cap


Invest In Weapons

The Mines Are Full Of Danger

Player obtaining the Galaxy Sword

The stardew valley galaxy swordGalaxy Sword
and its souped-up form, the stardew valley infinity bladeInfinity Blade
, are by far the best choices for slaying monsters. However, players can’t get the Galaxy Sword until they travel to Calico Desert with a Prismatic Shard. Obtaining the Infinity Blade requires completing Qi Challenges and clearing the Volcano Dungeon. Additionally, clearing the Volcano Dungeon gives players access to the Volcano Forge, they can also imbue their weapons with powerful enchantments.

The Adventurer’s Guild has options if the player can’t yet obtain the Galaxy Sword. The stardew valley lava katanaLava Katana
, for example, becomes available after reaching the bottom of the mines and is one of the game’s most powerful swords for purchase.


Consider Rings Carefully

Another Way to Stack Buffs

Rings in stardew valley

Several rings provide effects that make mining easier. The stardew valley slime charmer ringSlime Charmer Ring
is a great option, since it means dealing with fewer enemies. The stardew valley napalm ringNapalm Ring
explodes slain monsters, while the stardew valley vampire ringVampire Ring
restores a little health with every kill. The stardew valley iridium bandIridium Band
combines several effects in one: it glows, attracts items, and increases attack power.

In Ginger Island’s Volcano Forge, players can combine two rings into one. This essentially allows for four active rings at once. This process can’t be reversed, so players must choose their favorite rings wisely.


Enchant The Pickaxe


The Volcano Forge, in addition to improving weapons and rings, can also be used to enchant tools. If an iridium pickaxe is useful for mining, an enchanted one is absolutely overpowered.

To enchant the Pickaxe, players will need one Prismatic Shard and 20 Cinder Shards. When using the forge, the Pickaxe will receive one of the following at random:

  • Efficient: The Pickaxe will not use Stamina.
  • Powerful: Adds one extra power level.
  • Swift: The tool moves 33% faster.

All of these enchantments are equally useful for miners, but if the player receives one they didn’t want, they can repeat the process to get a new random enchantment.


Use Staircases

Make a Strategic Retreat

Player using a staircase in the mines

If monsters are swarming the player and there’s no easy way out, there’s no shame in escaping. Sometimes, it’s the best way to stay alive and avoid losing items that took so much effort to collect. By building a staircase with 99 Stone, players can place it anywhere in the floor of the mines and immediately descend to the next level.


10 Games Like Stardew Valley You Need To Play

If you’ve played Stardew Valley and are looking for a new farming adventure to try out, any of these great games would do the trick!


Long mining sessions result in the player collecting large amounts of stone, which they can use to build staircases. Additionally, players can build staircases before heading to the caves as a contingency plan. This strategy is especially helpful in the deeper levels of Skull Cavern, where dangerous monsters abound.


Obtain Mining Mastery

Unlock Bonuses To Mine More Efficiently


Thanks to the Mastery mechanic introduced in Stardew Valley‘s 1.6 update, players can now choose to “master” each of the five skills, one by one, after they have maxed out all their levels. For players who want to make the most of the game’s mines and dungeons, picking Mining Mastery is an obvious choice. Once they select it, the farmer will gain a passive boon that doubles the amount of gemstones they receive from every gemstone node.

They will also gain access to two new crafting recipes: the Statue of the Dwarf King, and the Heavy Furnace. The Heavy Furnace requires two regular Furnaces, 3 Iron Bars, and 50 Stone to craft. It will smelt 25 ores and 3 coal into 5 metal bars, using 40% less coal per bar than the regular Furnace. Meanwhile, The Statue of the Dwarf King requires 20 stardew valley iridium barIridium Bar
to craft. It is well worth the price, allowing the player to choose between one of two mining-related buffs once per day. Players will be offered two choices from the following:

  • Bombs cannot damage the player.
  • Greater chance to find Coal.
  • Greater chance to find Geodes.
  • Greater chance to find ladders and shafts.
  • +1 ore per node.


Craft Bombs

The Easiest Way To Break Rocks

A bomb going off in Skull Cavern

Running low on energy by using the pickaxe over and over? Try some explosives. They can save energy when it comes to breaking rocks, and kill or seriously hurt most enemies. Furthermore, they’re the only way to permanently kill the mummies in Skull Cavern.


Mega Bombs naturally pack the biggest punch. Players can craft them starting at Mining Level 8, and their components are readily available once the player reaches level 80 in the mine. Just be careful to run as far as possible from the blast radius, to avoid damage to the player. Here’s how to craft all available bombs:




stardew valley cherry bombCherry Bomb

Mining Level 1


stardew valley bombBomb

Mining Level 6

stardew valley mega bombMega Bomb

Mining Level 8

  • 4 Gold Ore
  • 1 Void Essence
  • 1 Solar Essence


Use Warp Technology

Get Home Safe & Sound

Stardew Valley player disappearing in a warp

After a full-day mining session, the player must run back to the farm before passing out at 2 am. If they can warp there instantly instead, that means more time to gather resources. The Return Scepter is the best option, since it can be used an infinite number of times. Considering the Return Scepter costs 2,000,000g, the Warp Totem: Farm makes a great substitute. Obtainable at Foraging level 8, this recipe calls for 1 hardwood, 1 honey, and 20 fiber. Take one along to maximize time spent underground.

Additionally, certain warp technology can get players to the dungeons sooner. With the Desert Obelisk or Warp Totem, players don’t have to wait for Pam to drive them to Skull Cavern. The same goes for the Island Obelisk and Warp Totem when it comes to the Volcano Dungeon. Players can build Obelisks with the help of the Wizard, and can craft the aforementioned warp totems using these crafting recipes:


Craft Items to Maximize Profit

Miners Can Use Their Skills Outside the Caves

Stardew Valley player in a maze of crystalariums

Once players return with their spoils, there are plenty of ways to increase how much money they can earn. Crystalariums, for example, replicate gemstones for infinite gold. The Geode Crusher breaks open geodes without having to pay Clint, and the Furnace turns ore into valuable bars that are essential in many other crafting endeavors.


One Crystalarium is gifted by Gunther, and the player can craft more of them when they receive the recipe at Mining level 9. The Furnace recipe becomes available after the player first harvests ore, and Clint provides the Geode Crusher crafting recipe after the player completes his “Cave Patrol” special order. Players will need the following materials to craft each item:

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February 26, 2016







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