Pokemon TCG: Best Scarlet & Violet Cards
Table of Contents
- Pokemon TCG introduces new Scarlet & Violet set, bringing back Pokemon EX cards and Generation 9 Pokemon.
- Most wanted cards from Scarlet & Violet set include Charizard EX, Arven, Pidgeot EX, Koraidon EX, and more.
- Beautifully designed cards like Gyarados EX, Miriam, Gardevoir EX, and Miraidon EX are valuable and powerful in battles.
Pokémon Trading Card Game release their cards in sets, keeping collectors on edge with new Pokémon cards, new Hyper Rares, new types of Pokémon, and the return of older cards, like Pokemon EX. After Pokemon: Scarlet & Violet made its round on the Nintendo Switch, the Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet set followed soon after, landing at markets all around the world.
The Scarlet & Violet set brought about the return of Pokemon EX cards, and they’re much heftier than before. There are also cards featuring all the new Pokemon in Generation 9, such as Koraidon and Spidops. With so many incredible cards hiding in this set, fans will want to seek out the absolute best cards for, not only their value but their performance in a Pokemon TCG match.
Updated December 12, 2024, by Blaise Santi: It’s been just over two years since the release of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, and just over a year since the final DLC Expansion of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero was made available. As a result, many diehard Pokemon fans might be running out of things to do in the Nintendo Switch game, but luckily, the Scarlet & Violet TCG expansion is still going strong! The most recent expansion, Surging Sparks, dropped a month ago, leaving plenty of rare and beautifully-designed cards for players to search for in booster decks. Take a look at these especially great cards from the Scarlet & Violet expansion to either add to a playable deck, or simply put on display in a collector’s binder!
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20 Professor’s Research (Full Art)
Choose Your Favorite Professor From Scarlet & Violet
Type |
Trainer |
Attacks/Abilities |
Discard your hand and draw 7 cards. |
Card |
Supporter |
Professor’s Research is a unique card within the Pokemon Trading Card Game, as every generation there are new versions of it released featuring corresponding professors from the mainline games. For Scarlet & Violet, that means there are two iterations of this card, featuring Sada from Scarlet and Turo from Violet, with these full art variants featuring original art by illustrator kirisAki.
Aside from its cool design, Professor’s Research is also an incredibly useful Supporter card for the TCG, as it allows players to discard their current hand and draw 7 cards. This can especially be useful if a player’s hand is full of non-Basic Pokemon or a lack of Energy Cards.
19 Penny (Special Illustration Rare)
A Mysterious Trainer Has Some Alone Time
Type |
Trainer |
Attacks/Abilities |
Put one of your Basic Pokemon and all attached cards into your hand. |
Card |
Supporter |
Penny is a fan favorite character who appears in Scarlet & Violet, utilizing a unique team of all Eeveelutions, matching her Eevee-shaped backpack. Rarely has a Trainer card ever captured an NPC’s personality like this special illustration rare of Penny from the TCG’s Scarlet & Violet set. It depicts Penny sitting alone in a sunlit room, cradling a single Poke Ball.
In terms of its usage in battle, the Penny card is also incredibly valuable. It allows players to draw one Basic Pokemon from their deck and add it to their hand, along with all attached cards. This means a player can prep themselves for a three-stage evolution — or even an EX Pokemon if they have one ready to go in their deck, which can spell trouble for opponents.
18 Iron Crown EX (Special Illustration Rare)
A Beautiful Backdrop For A Paradox Pokemon
Type |
Psychic |
HP |
220 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Cobalt Command, Twin Shotels |
Card |
Basic |
Many Scarlet & Violet players may have missed the introduction of Iron Crown, a future Paradox Pokemon based on Cobalion, a member of the Swords of Justice quartet from Black & White. This card made its debut in Scarlet & Violet: Temporal Forces, the expansion that released in March 2024, introducing Paradox Pokemon into the trading card game.

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Aside from being a decently strong Psychic-type card with no required evolutions, Iron Crown EX has a stunningly gorgeous full art design. In it, Iron Crown is seen standing on a beautiful purple-and-pink tree while a glowing yellow moon lights it from behind.
17 Palafin (Shiny Illustration Rare)
This Palafin Is Giving Batman More Than Superman
Type |
Water |
HP |
150 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Jet Punch, Justice Kick |
Card |
Stage 1 (Evolves from Finizen) |
Palafin is certainly one of the best-designed Pokemon from Scarlet & Violet, taking on a superpowerful “Hero” form after it switches out from its “Zero” form. Plus, its shiny form is an incredibly unique coloring, replacing its dark blue body with a grayish black. This shiny Palafin design is given special treatment in this illustration rare from the Paldean Fates expansion.
In the card design, shiny Palafin looks menacing as it stands intimidatingly in the shadowy sea, lit only by a sliver of sun from the surface. Opponents will not only be jealous to see this incredibly-designed card be whipped out by players, but they’ll also be properly frightened to see it in action.
16 Charizard EX (Special Illustration Rare)
Charizard Has Never Looked More Majestic
Type |
Fire |
HP |
330 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Brave Wing, Explosive Vortex |
Card |
Stage 2 (Evolves from Charmeleon) |
Charizard cards have a long history of being valuable in the Pokemon TCG, but this selection from the Scarlet & Violet series might be one of the most beautifully designed. In the special illustration rare of Charizard EX, the Charmander evolution is depicted flying over an erupting volcano as the sun sets over a mountainous canyon.
The card also makes a terrifying opponent in the TCG, equipped with two Fire-type moves: the low-cost Brave Wing and the much more expensive Explosive Vortex, which deals as much damage as this card has HP. However, this is one card you won’t want to wear out in battle, as its design is too transfixing to be ruined.
15 Arven (Full Art)
A Fan-Favorite Character Gets Full Art Treatment
Type |
Trainer |
Attacks/Abilities |
Search the deck for an Item card and a Pokémon Tool card, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle the deck. |
Card |
Supporter |
Arven is one of the most beloved characters to come out of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, mainly due to his relationship with his Pokemon, Mabosstiff. This full art card shows the character in all his effortlessly cool glory, with a shiny holo finish that is sure to make it one of the shiniest cards in a player’s collection.

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Players will also get good use out of Arven in the TCG, as the card allows players to search the deck for an Item and Pokemon Tool card before placing it directly into their hands. Suffice it to say, this card is much more useful in battle than Arven’s team was in fighting Titans in the Scarlet & Violet games.
14 Pidgeot EX (Special Illustration Rare)
The Gen 1 Regional Bird Incoming!
Type |
Normal |
HP |
280 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Quick Search, Blustery Wind |
Card |
Stage 2 (Evolves from Pidgeotto) |
Design-wise, there’s something quite retro about this special illustration rare art of Pidgeot EX. It depicts a cartoonish, colorful Pidgeot flying forwards over a bright city, albeit one that’s unrecognizable in the Pokemon universe. However, the real value of this card comes from its ability, Quick Search.
With Quick Search, players with this card out have the advantage of placing any card from their deck into their hand once per turn. This can be incredibly integral for the tides of battle, as players can quickly accrue the Energy cards needed to power up other Pokemon’s devastating attacks.
13 Koraidon EX (Special Illustration Rare)
A Paradox Pokemon Lost In The Wild
Type |
Fighting |
HP |
230 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Dino Cry, Wild Impact |
Card |
Basic |
One of the best illustrations in the Scarlet & Violet TCG set is Koraidon’s EX-card. The card depicts the Pokemon Scarlet legendary in a swampy forest as a Dedenne scurries in the foreground. This Fighting-type card also has a special ability Dino Cry, which allows players to attach 2 Fighting energy to their Pokemon at any point during their turn.
Koraidon’s single move, Wild Impact, also deals a whopping amount of damage at the cost of Koraidon not being able to attack for an additional turn. Not only is this card valuable for its beautiful art on display, but it’s a lucky addition to any competitive TCG deck.
12 Fidough (Special Illustration Rare)
Fidough Loves Window Shopping
Type |
Psychic |
HP |
60 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Springy, Flop |
Card |
Basic |
Fidough is easily one of the cutest Pokemon added in the ninth generation games, and this special illustration card does not disappoint on that front. The Psychic-type card shows an adorable yet lonely Fidough yearning as it stares into the window of a pastry shop.

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Pokemon fans should dust off their old cards and check whether they are of any value, as they could potentially be sitting on a goldmine.
It has two moves, Springy and Flop. Springy will allow it to reduce damage taken on the opponent’s next turn, while Flop attacks for a total of 30 HP. It may not be the best card prior to evolving into Dachsbun, but it’s a worthwhile addition to a card collection for its stunning and cute card art.
11 Dondozo (Special Illustration Rare)
Drowning In A Sea Of Tatsugiri
Type |
Water |
HP |
160 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Release Rage, Heavy Splash |
Card |
Basic |
Among one of the most elegant Pokemon card arts in the history of the TCG is Dondozo’s special illustration rare from the Scarlet & Violet set. It’s not as powerful as an EX card, but with 160 HP and two powerful attacks, it’s still a strong card given it doesn’t evolve. It’s an especially great card for TCG players who have a surplus of Tatsugiri in their deck.
Mimicking Dondozo’s compatibility with Tatsugiri in the video games, Dondozo’s move Release Rage does 50 damage for each Tatsugiri card that’s been discarded by the user. Otherwise, players can expend a large amount of Water and Normal energies for the 120 HP-taking move Heavy Splash.
10 Gyarados EX (Full Art)
The Iconic Water-Type Gets Stronger
Type |
Water |
HP |
300 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Waterfall, Tyrannical Tail |
Card |
Stage 1 (Evolves from Magikarp) |
Gyarados is one of the most popular Pokemon of all time, so it isn’t a surprise most fans want to get their hands on this fantastic card. Gyarados is one of several Pokemon to have revitalized the EX-card in the Scarlet & Violet set. This GEX-card is specifically the Full Art version of the Gyarados EX-card, making it more valuable, and appears much more tantalizing in a collection.
Gyarados EX (Full Art) also features Gyarados in its Tera form, as the Pokemon withholds the Water Tera-type crystallization. This card also has immense power with enough Water Energy, making it a heavy hitter in Water-themed decks.
9 Miriam (Special Illustration Rare)
Quite Clumsy For A School Nurse
Type |
Trainer |
Attacks/Abilities |
Shuffle up to 5 Pokémon from the discard pile into the deck. If you shuffled any cards into the deck in this way, draw 3 cards. |
Card |
Supporter |
This Miriam Trainer card (251/198), isn’t just one of the best Trainer cards in the entirety of the Scarlet & Violet set, but also one of the most sought-after. It is incredibly valuable in comparison to other cards. Miriam, who is the nurse of the school in the Scarlet & Violet video games, brings about a restoration ability in a game of Pokémon TCG as well.
When played, Miriam will allow the player to shuffle up to five Pokemon in their discard pile into their deck, and then draw three cards afterward. This helps players bring back a vital Pokemon, as well as an entire evolutionary line if necessary.
8 Gardevoir EX (Special Illustration Rare)
Gardevoir Flexes Her Domesticity
Type |
Psychic |
HP |
310 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Psychic Embrace, Miracle Force |
Card |
Stage 2 (Evolves from Kirlia) |
Gardevoir is another Pokemon that received a newly-revamped EX card as well. This Gardevoir EX card isn’t just one of the most powerful Pokemon in the Scarlet & Violet set, but also holds great value for being a Special Illustration Rare. Gardevoir EX, which evolves from the previous Stage 1 Pokemon, Kirlia, with 310 HP, and the ability to deal 190 damage for three Energy.

Pokemon TCG: All Cards In the Scarlet & Violet Expansion
The Pokemon TCG Scarlet and Violet expansion introduces plenty of new cards, and Terastal and Paradox Pokemon also make an appearance.
Gardevoir EX also has the ability Psychic Embrace, which allows the player to place a discarded Psychic Energy onto one of their benched Pokémon. Using this ability, which can only be used once a turn, will also cause that Pokémon to gain 2 Damage Counters.
7 Miraidon EX (Special Illustration Rare)
This Futuristic Pokemon Connects With Dachsbun
Type |
Electric |
HP |
220 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Tandem Unit, Photon Blaster |
Card |
Basic |
One of the best Pokemon cards in the Scarlet & Violet set is Miraidon’s EX-card. Miraidon EX is an Electric-type card, and the Special Illustration Rare variant has become one of the most expensive cards in the Paldea-themed set, even more so than its Hyper Rare variant. Miraidon EX (Special Illustration Rare) has incredible art that will harvest awe from any Pokemon fan.
Not only is the card art wonderful, but Miraidon EX is also powerful, even with only 220 HP. Miraidon also has the ability Tandem Unit, which allows the player to search their deck for up to two Electric-type Basic Pokemon and put them on their bench. The Pokemon’s one attack is Photon Blaster, which deals 220 damage and costs three Energy.
6 Spidops EX (Special Illustration Rare)
Awaiting Its Own Mary Jane Kiss
Type |
Grass |
HP |
260 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Trap Territory, Wire Hang |
Card |
Stage 1 (Evolves from Tarountula) |
Spidops isn’t the best Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet by a long shot, but Pokemon TCG is a whole different story. Spidops is one of the lucky Generation 9 Pokemon to receive the new EX treatment, which allows fans of the Bug-type Pokemon to utilize Spidops in ‘battle.’

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With how popular Charizard is, some of its cards sell for astronomical prices.
Spidops EX (Special Illustration Rare) is a great asset in any Grass-type decks, as well as a nice addition to any fans’ Pokemon TCG collection. While catching a nice price for its Special Illustration Rare variant, Spidops EX quickly rose to become one of the best cards in the Scarlet & Violet set.
5 Great Tusk EX (Special Illustration Rare)
Donphan Of The Past, A Lone Cowboy
Type |
Fighting |
HP |
250 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Bedrock Breaker, Gigantic Tusks |
Card |
Basic |
Some of the most anticipated Pokémon TCG cards have been Paradox Pokemon, which are unique to the Scarlet & Violet games. Paradox Pokemon take older Pokemon, like Donphan and Delibird, and present them with new forms based on the past or future. Great Tusk is one of those Pokemon, which is a past form of Donphan.
This Great Tusk EX-card (Special Illustration Rare) was instantly a hit with fans upon the drop of Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet, and became one of the most valuable cards that collectors could get their hands on in the respective set. Great Tusk EX is also a powerhouse within a match of Pokemon TCG.
4 Iron Treads EX (Special Illustration Rare)
The Donphan Of The Future Gets Close
Type |
Steel |
HP |
220 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Triple Laser, Cybernetic Wheels |
Card |
Basic |
Just as Great Tusk is the past version of Donphan, Iron Treads is the future version of Donphan, as the Pokemon is coated with a metallic look, robotic eyes, and an overall futuristic appearance. This Iron Treads EX (Special Illustration Rare) card is just about as equally desired as the Great Tusk EX card, for both are valuable, artsy, and great in Pokemon TCG.
Iron Treads EX has 220 HP, two attacks, and a resistance to Grass-type cards. Iron Treads’ first attack is Triple Laser, which costs three energy and deals 30 damage to three opposing Pokemon. The card’s second attack is Cybernetic Wheels, which costs four Energy and ideas 160 damage; this move allows Iron Treads EX to switch out with a benched Pokemon as well.
3 Jacq (Special Illustration Rare)
The Professor Might Be Running Late
Type |
Trainer |
Attacks/Abilities |
Search the deck for up to 2 Evolution Pokémon, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle the deck. |
Card |
Supporter |
Jacq, the homeroom teacher in Pokemon: Scarlet & Violet, also has his own Trainer card, one of which is the most envied in its set. This Jacq Special Illustration Rare card looks fantastic, is relatively expensive regarding other cards, and has a great ability that will help out players in the Pokemon TCG.

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Jacq, a Trainer Support card, allows players to search their deck for up to two Evolution Pokemon and place the cards into their hands. As always, players must shuffle their deck afterward. With a great description beneficial to many of the EX-Evolution cards in the Scarlet & Violet set, Jacq may be seen in many matches featuring Evolution and an EX-Pokémon.
2 Dolliv (Illustration Rare)
Dolliv Is Amongst Its Relatives
Type |
Grass |
HP |
90 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Slap, Apply Oil |
Card |
Stage 1 (Evolves from Smoliv) |
Some Full Art cards are more pricey than other rarer cards in the Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet expansion, and this Dolliv Special Illustration card is evidence of that. Dolliv, which evolves from the Basic Pokemon Smoliv, has a Full Art variant that many fans seek out due to its rarity and strategic moves.
This Stage 1 Dolliv card can evolve into Arboliva, but Dolliv has many aspects that make it a great card on its own within a match, despite its lower HP. Dolliv has 90 HP, and a move called Apply Oil that costs two Energy, deals 40 damage, and forces the opponent to flip a coin if they try to attack during the next turn; if the coin is tails, the attack simply doesn’t happen.
1 Toxicroak EX (Full Art)
It Doesn’t Get Better Or Darker Than This
Type |
Dark |
HP |
250 |
Attacks/Abilities |
Nasty Plot, Toxic Ripper |
Card |
Stage 1 (Evolves from Croagunk) |
Some EX-cards are Evolution cards that require that players evolve their Pokemon. Toxicroak EX is one of those Evolution EX cards (and one of the best at that). Toxicroak EX evolves from the Basic Pokemon Croagunk. With 250 HP, low Energy costs, and high damage output, Toxicroak EX is debatably the best Dark-type Pokemon in the Scarlet & Violet expansion.
Toxicroak EX has two moves: Nasty Plot costs one Energy and lets the player search their deck for two cards and put them into their hand, while Toxic Ripper costs three Energy, deals 120 damage, poisons the Defending Pokemon, and forces the Defending Pokemon to take six Damage Counters instead of one during Pokemon Checkup.

Pokemon TCG: 10 Cards From Your Childhood That Are Worth A Fortune
Although many of the rarest Pokemon cards come from Japan and TCG competitions, there are still plenty of high value cards from the first few sets.
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