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Palworld: All Illnesses And How To Cure Them



palworld all illnesses and how to cure them guide

Palworld is an open-world survival game that combines elements of monster-catching games like Pokémon with building mechanics similar to Minecraft. What sets Palworld apart is how it allows you to interact with Pals—not just as companions but also as mounts, crafting assistants, and resource gatherers for materials like ores and wood.

While your Pals are always ready to help, they can develop illnesses or sustain injuries while working at your base. Some Pals may even become depressed from overworking or develop eating disorders. In severe cases, a Pal may become incapacitated and unable to work. In this guide, you will learn about all the illnesses and injuries Pals can suffer from in Palworld, as well as how to cure them. At the end of the guide, you will also find useful tips to help prevent Pals from getting sick.



Palworld: How to Give Pals Medicine

Life in Palworld may be unforgiving at times, but there are plenty of ways to keep both player and Pals healthy and safe for the next fight.


List of Sicknesses in Palworld

Palworld - An ill Anubis resting

If your Pals are neglected for too long, they may develop any of the following conditions in Palworld:

  • Hungry
  • Starving
  • Overfull
  • Cold
  • Sprain
  • Fracture
  • Ulcer
  • Weakened
  • Depressed
  • Minor Injury
  • Major Injury
  • Incapacitated

If a Pal falls ill, its work efficiency will drop significantly, and in extreme cases, it may stop working altogether due to incapacitation. If you have a base focused on resource farming, keeping your Pals in peak condition is essential for maximum efficiency. Unfortunately, Pal AI is far from perfect, making it easy for them to get stuck and become sick.

How to Cure Sicknesses in Palworld

Palworld Warsect Terra Pal

When a Pal becomes sick or injured, you will need to feed them medicines to cure them. Some conditions also require Pals to rest in beds or be placed in the Palbox. Below is a list of cures for all illnesses in Palworld:



How to Cure


Build a Feed Box and add food to it. Make sure your Pals can reach the Feed Box.




Feed Low-Grade Medical Supplies.




Feed Medical Supplies.




Feed High-Grade Medical Supplies.


Minor Injury


Let the Pal rest in bed.

Major Injury


Store the Pal in a Palbox for 10 minutes.



Palworld: Best Pals For Medicine Production

Medicine is a valuable asset in Palworld, in order to keep team members happy and alive. These Pals are the most efficient at medicine production.


How to Make Medicines in Palworld

Palworld - Purchasing Medical Supplies-1

To craft medicine in Palworld, you will need to build a Medicine Workbench and gather resources like bones, horns, and ingots. Below are the recipes for medicines you need for curing illnesses in Palworld:

When you are new to the game and dealing with sick Pals, crafting medicine is the best solution. However, since treating Pals is a recurring part of the gameplay, some players may find it tedious to craft medicine frequently. In that case, purchasing medicine from merchants is a viable alternative.

Palworld - Purchasing Medical Supplies

You can buy Low-Grade Medical Supplies, Medical Supplies, and High-Grade Medical Supplies from Wandering Merchants in Palworld. They can often be found near Pal Merchants. If you have not encountered one yet, you can find a Wandering Merchant east of Marsh Island Church Ruins and another in Small Settlement.

You can craft Mind Controlling Meds using 10 Refined Ingots, 10 Horns, 5 Bones, and 3 Pal Fluids at an Electric or Advanced Medicine Workbench. This medicine cures all illnesses and restores a Pal’s sanity to 1000. You can also purchase it from a Wandering Merchant at Duneshelter for a steep price of 10,000 Gold.


Tips to Prevent Pals from Getting Sick in Palworld

Palworld - Wumpo Botan resting in Hot Spring

While it is impossible to keep your Pals completely free from illness, here are a few steps to ensure they stay healthy:

  • Create a bed for every Pal – Just like you, Pals need sleep. If they do not get enough rest, they become groggy, lose sanity, and slack off during the day.
  • Keep the Feed Box stocked with food – Hunger and starvation occur when a Pal cannot access food. This can happen due to a lack of food in the
    palworld feed box iconFeed Box

    or because Pals cannot reach it. Place the Feed Box in a flat, accessible area to ensure all Pals can use it. If a Pal’s hunger drops to zero, it will suffer from a Minor Injury, then a Major Injury, and eventually become Incapacitated.

  • Build Hot Springs – Maintaining sanity is essential, especially for Pals that work constantly. Constructing
    palworld hot spring iconHot Spring

    palworld high quality hot spring iconHigh Quality Hot Spring

    will help Pals recover their sanity.

  • Do not overwork your Pals – If you have built a
    palworld monitoring stand iconMonitoring Stand

    , it can be tempting to push Pals to work harder. Overworking is useful when you need large amounts of resources or want to craft many items, but it should not be a constant practice. Switch to Normal mode when work is done to prevent Pals from losing sanity too quickly.

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