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Open-World Games Where Your Mount Has Its Own Personality



25 the witcher 3 wild hunt final fantasy 14 shadow of the colossus

Mounts are an absolute necessity in open-world games, especially when the map is expansive and takes a large amount of time to traverse. They can come in the form of a creature of some sort or a vehicle and, in many cases, can even carry items for the player, which is essential when inventory space is limited.



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They don’t always have to be mindless, though, and they are sometimes brimming with personality. This can come in the form of direct communication with the player and the world around them, reacting to certain situations, or even pleasant animations that show character and awareness. Here are some of the most interesting mounts in open-world games.


Signs Of Free Will And Determination


November 11, 2011



Bethesda Game Studios

OpenCritic Rating



Most of the time in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, horses are non-aggressive and docile creatures, merely following the instructions of the Dragonborn somewhat mindlessly. However, their personality does shine through at times, even when they are doing regular horse things at the various stables around the province.

Whenever the Dragonborn takes a horse around on their quests, any present danger will force a reaction from the mount. Either they will flee out of fear, or they will stay and fight to the death, even pursuing hostiles who attempt to escape the battle. Some horses in the game are special, too, showing a bit more determination, such as Shadowmere and Arvak.


Final Fantasy 14

Over 200 Possible Mounts

The Final Fantasy series is certainly no stranger to endearing and characterful mounts, which are often necessary for exploring the vast worlds on offer in the series. Final Fantasy 14 has tons of options when it comes to mounts, many of which can be obtained by completing specific quests, general grinding, or by purchasing them with real money.



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Regardless of the acquisition methods, they really add life to this MMORPG, with some notable standouts including the Indigo Whale, Ceberus, and those lovable Chocobos, of course. Their lively animations and movements, along with the ability to sometimes assist players in battle, will really make players cherish these reliable and adorable creatures.



Pokemon Violet

Surprisingly Loving For A Fairly Robotic Pokemon




November 18, 2022


Not everyone was completely satisfied with the open-world presented in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, but the inclusion of Legendary Pokemon Miraidon or Koraidon from the get-go was certainly a crowd-pleaser. Paldea is quite expansive. As such, the ability to mount these gentle giants is necessary for traversal, whether on land, in the sea, or the air.

Despite appearing somewhat cybernetic and draconic, Pokemon Violet’s Miraidon is very intelligent, appearing to be wary of the player at first but gradually becoming more trusting and endearing. It’s quiet and calm but will absolutely give everything possible for the protagonist in battle.


Cyberpunk 2077

Machines With Personalities


December 10, 2020

OpenCritic Rating



It may seem strange to consider the potential of a conscious artificial intelligence possessing its own thoughts, feelings, and characteristics, but Cyberpunk 2077 ponders these kinds of dilemmas. One such A.I. with its own distinct personality is the Delamain Cab No. 21, a reward for protagonist V at the end of the ‘Don’t Lose Your Mind’ quest.



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While its thoughts, opinions and conversations may differ depending on some player choices, there is often a bit of banter between the car and V that players can enjoy. While all of this may just be clever programming, the database entry for this spirited vehicle strongly hints that it is self-aware, suggesting that its vibrant and curious personality is a self-determined and conscious choice.


The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom

Even More Personality Than In Its Predecessor



May 12, 2023




OpenCritic Rating



Following on from the horses in Breath of the Wild, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom adds a few extra features to the useful mounts, improving them greatly in both character and usefulness. Especially in the early game, horses are critical for navigating Hyrule’s vast open spaces, and increasing their affection for Link is a wonderful experience.

The horse’s abilities are measured from 0 to 5 stars by these statistics:

  • Strength – the amount of HP the horse has.
  • Speed – the overall swiftness of the horse.
  • Stamina – the number of times a horse can be spurred to go faster.
  • Pull – newly added in Tears of the Kingdom, indicating their ability to tow objects.

These statistics can even be improved by Malanya near East Akkala Stable. Until their affection is full, horses may disobey and veer off course, and their individual temperaments may affect early interactions, depending on whether they are ‘Wild’ or ‘Gentle’ in nature.


Tales Of Vesperia

A Silent But Mindful Mount

Tales of Vesperia


August 7, 2008



Namco Bandai


A flying whale-like creature known as an Entelexeia, Ba’ul in Tales of Vesperia can be used to transport the party around Terca Lumireis. A companion of Judith, one of the game’s main protagonists, Ba’ul even communicates with her but not the rest of the crew.

Very shy at first, especially around the other main characters, Ba’ul becomes more comfortable as the game goes on and starts expressing some opinions through Judith. It seems that Ba’ul has a thorough grasp on what is happening, offering insightful thoughts, potentially even more so than Judith, who is slightly impulsive, despite her usually rational and calm demeanor.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Mysterious Horse Has Plenty Of Character



May 19, 2015

OpenCritic Rating



The enigmatic Roach in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is brimming with personality for a horse. Despite the mystery surrounding her apparent ability to teleport when Geralt whistles, she still displays normal traits, showcasing fear whenever danger is present or foraging for food and water while Geralt is busy.



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The noble steed will be visibly pleased if Geralt invests in the stable at his vineyard, Corvo Bianco, and her stamina will be significantly increased upon doing so. Geralt can communicate with Roach during the ‘Equine Phantoms’ quest in the Blood and Wine expansion while he is, admittedly, under the influence of drugs. But given the right circumstances, Roach can even complete the quest for him.


Shadow Of The Colossus

Agro Is A True Companion



October 18, 2005


Rather like Roach, Agro is more than just a horse in Shadow of the Colossus, being Wander’s loyal and only companion throughout the game’s runtime. She is absolutely integral to the story, aiding Wander in battles with her speed, either in order to keep the protagonist from harm or to catch swift colossi.

Whenever Wander reawakens in the Central Shrine, Agro is there to greet him, and she is even willing to make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary. Agro loves a good pat from her human, granting Wander increased recovery and stamina for a short period of time, and if left alone, she will go and graze in nearby areas. The attention to detail is staggering considering the age of this game.



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