Most Horrifying Pokedex Entries In The Pokemon Games
Table of Contents
- Hattrem, a Psychic-type Pokemon, has the ability to emit powerful psychic energy that can cause intense headaches to deter others from approaching.
- Milcery, known for its cream topping, has cream that is packed with ultranutrients. When it evolves into Alcremie, the flavor of its cream changes.
- Cofagrigus, a Ghost-type Pokemon, has a dark ability. It has been rumored that it swallows those who come too close to its mouth and turns them into mummies.
While the world of Pokemon is most well known for its adorable electric mouse mascot, Pikachu, the Pokedex is home to several unexpectedly dark entries that add depth to its seemingly colorful and fun world by highlighting the cruelty and horror of the series.
From stealing souls to committing acts of violence for violence’s sake, some Pokemon naturally wreak havoc on the world around them, leading many to their doom. Still, whether their actions are intentional or not, trainers may want to think twice about adding these Pokemon to their team after realizing what they are capable of outside of battle.
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Updated on January 15, 2025, by Ben Painter: With over 1,000 Pokemon in the franchise currently, there are bound to be some unsettling Pokedex entries, especially those involving Ghost-type Pokemon. But it doesn’t stop there; even the most innocent of Pokemon have a dark secret hiding away. These entries can range from being creepy to downright depressing, and each Pokemon has a unique one for fans to familiarize themselves with. For those brave enough, this article has been updated to feature even more of the most horrifying Pokedex entries across the Pokemon games.
National Dex Number: #0416
- “Commands its subjects to build its hive. It will dispatch any interlopers who dare sneak into its nest and use them as nourishment for itself.”
The Beehive Pokemon evolves from a female Combee and, just like its real-life counterpart, the queen bee, has some disturbing character traits. The worst one of these is described in its Pokemon Legends: Arceus Pokedex entry, which states that it will eat anyone who disturbs its hive.
The thought of Pokemon killing and eating each other is very unsettling, as they are all lovable creatures, and the act is never shown in the family-friendly franchise. Most of its other Pokedex entries say that it uses pheromones to command Combee to do its bidding.
National Dex Number: #0687
- “It lures its prey close with hypnotic motions, then wraps its tentacles around it before finishing it off with digestive fluids.”
Malamar is just a freaky Pokemon to begin with. It doesn’t need any evidence in the Pokedex to back it up; just one look at its appearance, and fans will have their minds made up. However, in Pokemon Y, it is presented as a creature that lures prey with its hypnotic motions and then finishes it off with ‘digestive fluids.’

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That last part did not need to be included; it’s simply far too much information. Malamar is presented as just an evil Pokemon by itself, especially during its appearances in the anime.
National Dex Number: #0039
- “When this Pokemon sings, it never pauses to breathe. If it is in a battle against an opponent that does not easily fall asleep, Jigglypuff cannot breathe, endangering its life.”
On the face of it, Jigglypuff is a cute, little, fluffy Pokemon, but fans of the anime will know that it certainly has a mean streak, which is tied to its song. When the Balloon Pokemon sings, it lulls opponents to sleep, which is a worrying thought in itself.
But it gets even worse when it is not able to put the opponent to sleep. Its Pokemon Sapphire entry states that when it is singing, it is not breathing. So, if the enemy Pokemon doesn’t fall into this trap, Jigglypuff is putting itself at risk by running out of breath.
National Dex Number: #0593
- “The fate of the ships and crew that wander into Jellicent’s habitat: all sunken, all lost, all vanished.”
As a Ghost Pokemon, there is bound to be something creepy going on. Jellicent is no exception to this, and its Pokemon Black entry states that if ships wander into their habitat, they become lost and simply vanish. But where exactly do they go, and what is Jellicent doing with them?

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If the Pokemon world truly existed, then it would be a terrifying place, especially for sailors if Pokemon like Jellicent could just make entire ships disappear. Most of its other Pokedex entries say that it is actively looking for fishermen to make its prey. Though this Pokemon has a very regal theme, there is clearly nothing king or queenly about this.
National Dex Number: #0678
- “When in danger, it raises its ears and releases enough psychic power to grind a 10-ton truck into dust.”
Introduced in Generation 6, the Psychic cat looks to be another cute Pokemon, but it has a particular power that results in it having one of the most horrifying Pokedex entries across the Pokemon games.
This comes in Pokemon X, and it says that it has enough psychic power to grind a 10-ton truck to dust. If it could do this to a truck, what could it do to a human? Just imagine a Pokemon trainer trying to catch a Meowstic in the wild and instead being turned ‘into dust’ by its psychic power. It’s truly a terrifying thought.
National Dex Number: #0629
- “It protects its plump posterior with the bones of prey it has consumed. As it grows, it replaces the bones.”
The Diapered Pokemon is a Dark type, and, as a whole, this type’s Pokedex entries are all unsettling. Vullaby is no exception, with its Pokemon Sun entry stating that it protects itself with the bones of the prey it consumes. Pokemon eating other Pokemon is a sad thought, but in reality, it makes sense that this could happen.
When it is time to evolve, it discards the bones, as it is now ready to fly and become a Mandibuzz. Pokemon-wearing bones of other Pokemon is not uncommon, and it even happens in the animal kingdom in the real world, too, but it’s still a pretty disturbing concept. This Pokedex entry proves that Pokemon can be terrifying creatures.
National Dex Number: #00292
- “Shedinja’s hard body doesn’t move – not even a twitch. In fact, its body appears to be merely a hollow shell. It is believed that this Pokemon will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back.”
Shedinja is a downright creepy Pokemon, even its in-game origin is disturbing. When Nincada evolves into Ninjask, if the player has a spare slot in their party and an unused Pokeball, Shedinja will appear.

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Its Pokemon Ruby Pokedex entry states that it doesn’t move at all and that it will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body. This Pokemon is essentially the lifeless remains of the Nincada shell after its evolution, a reference to the husk that is left when a cicada goes through metamorphosis. Shedinja definitely has one of the creepiest origins and one of the most horrifying Pokedex entries across the Pokemon games.
National Dex Number: #0133
- “Its genes are easily influenced by its surroundings. Even its face starts to look like that of its Trainer.”
Most of Eevee’s Pokedex entries state that its genes are unstable and that it can adapt to any environment. This is why this Pokemon can evolve into a wide range of different types using a variety of different evolution methods.
But its Pokemon Ultra Moon Pokedex entry takes this one step further. It explains that its face starts to look like that of its trainer. This highlights just how unstable Eevee’s genetic makeup truly is. The fact it can change its appearance to look like its trainer is very unsettling. Just imagine an Eevee with a human face. It’s a very creepy thought indeed.
National Dex Number: #0038
- “Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1000-year curse.”
Considering Pokemon are meant to live among humans in the Pokemon world, it is quite disturbing that Ninetales can put a ‘1000-year curse’ on someone by simply grabbing one of its tails, as explained in its Pokemon Red & Blue Pokedex entry.

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Its Pokemon Stadium entry gives a little more background on this, stating that it will know the trainer’s intention ‘if its tail is pulled as a joke.’ Still, the fact that it is ‘very vengeful’ means that it is best to not cross a Ninetales if the option ever arises. Trainers would do well to keep on the right side of this Fox Pokemon.
National Dex Number: #0130
- “Once Gyarados goes on a rampage, its ferociously violent blood doesn’t calm until it has burned everything down. There are records of this Pokemon’s rampages lasting a whole month.”
Gyarados is one of the best and most loved Pokemon, especially in Generation 1, where it was considered the cream of the crop among the original 151 Pokemon. A lot of its Pokedex entries explain that this Pokemon is vicious, violent, and capable of causing mass destruction.
Its Pokemon Sapphire entry takes the cake on this one: “Its ferociously violent blood doesn’t calm until it has burned everything down.” So, if this Pokemon is angry, it goes on a rampage and does not stop until everything is destroyed. Why do people of the Pokemon world even want to control one of these Pokemon?
National Dex Number: #0902
- “Clads itself in the souls of comrades that perished before fulfilling their goals of journeying upstream. No other species throughout all Hisui’s rivers is Basculegion’s equal.”
One of the newer Pokemon in the franchise, Basculegion was introduced in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, a long-awaited evolution of the less-than-admirable fish Basculin. When evolving, it gains the Ghost typing along with its Water type, which is explained in the Pokedex entry of the same game as its debut.

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The souls of its fallen comrades envelop around Basculegion, giving it immense power, which is why it is the alpha species in the waters of Hisui. Putting aside the dead souls of Pokemon, it is a nice sentiment that Basculegion somewhat helps its fallen friends live on through a veil of ghostly armor.
National Dex Number: #0318
- “Carvanha’s strongly developed jaws and its sharply pointed fangs pack the destructive power to rip out boat hulls. Many boats have been attacked and sunk by this Pokemon.”
Known as the Savage Pokemon and for good reason, if it’s Pokemon Ruby Pokedex entry is anything to go. Its powerful jaws can rip apart boat hulls, apparently sending a full crew of sailors to a watery grave. Just like the piranha that this Pokemon is based on, it works in packs.
Other Pokedex entries state that when this Pokemon is alone, it is timid and will run away. So, if this Pokemon is by itself, it won’t cause any problems. When in a group, however, sailing the waters of Hoenn will be absolutely terrifying.
National Dex Number: #0491
- “Folklore has it that on moonless nights, this Pokemon will make people see horrific nightmares.”
This Pokemon was introduced in Generation 4 as a Mythical Pokemon, and it is a thing of nightmares. Just looking at this Pokemon, gamers can see that it is not to be messed with. It truly looks like a demon.
Its Pokemon Pearl Pokedex entry states that it makes people see ‘horrific nightmares,’ so getting a decent night’s sleep around this Pokemon is unheard of. The only saving grace is that this only happens on moonless nights, which is a rare occurrence, and it is also a nice reference to its counterpart, Cresselia, who has ties to the Moon.
National Dex Number: #0356
- “Dusclops’s body is completely hollow – there is nothing at all inside. It is said that its body is like a black hole. This Pokemon will absorb anything into its body, but nothing will ever come back out.”
This Pokemon may look goofy, but reading into its Pokemon Sapphire Pokedex entry will make gamers think otherwise. Like all Ghost Pokemon there is terrifying lore behind them, and Duslops is no exception.

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With a body like a black hole, anything will get absorbed into it, and there will be no escape. Whoever is unlucky enough to be absorbed by the Beckon Pokemon is subjected to who knows what for eternity. Maybe fans should reconsider when they are thinking about adding Dusclops to one of their teams.
National Dex Number: #0042
- “It can drink more than 10 ounces of blood at once. If it has too much, it gets heavy and flies clumsily.”
Pokemon is a child-friendly franchise, but certain Pokedex entries bring this fact into question. Golbat’s Pokemon Silver entry suggests it is a blood-sucker, and it seemingly has no end to its lust for blood.
Vampires don’t exist in the Pokemon universe, but why would they need to when Golbat is so much of a danger to begin with? There isn’t much information on what Pokemon eat in the wild, but it is quite apparent that they eat each other or at least suck the blood of each other, which is quite a chilling thought.
National Dex Number: #0679
- “If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps a blue cloth around that person’s arm and drains that person’s life energy completely.”
The Generation 6 Pokemon was introduced as the first Pokemon in a three-stage evolution line as it evolved into Doublade and Aegislash. The Ghost/Steel types are based around possessed swords, and gamers should think again about catching a Honedge.

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Its Pokemon Y Pokedex entry states that if anyone grabs its hilt they have their energy drained completely. One can imagine that this Pokemon disguises itself as a sword, and when an unsuspecting person grabs it, they are drained of their energy and killed. If this Pokemon existed in real life, it would be classed as a weapon of mass destruction.
National Dex Number: #1013
- “It pretends to be tea, trying to fool people into drinking it so it can drain their life force. Its ruse is generally unsuccessful.”
Sinistcha is a convergent evolution of Polteageist, but the two are separate species. Sinistcha is based on matcha tea, and its whole gimmick is tricking people into drinking it, according to its Pokemon Scarlet entry.
Whereas Honedge’s entry speculates that Honedge wants to trick people, Sinistcha’s downright says this, but it also reveals that it is generally unsuccessful. It’s good to know that not many trainers are stupid enough to think this Pokemon is a lovely cup of tea.
National Dex Number: #0104
- “Wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody.”
Cubone may look cute in its little skull helmet, but that is until the truth is revealed that it is actually the skull of its mother. It is even noted in its Pokemon Yellow entry that the cries inside the skull can be heard as a sad melody, which is very upsetting.
What makes this even more disturbing is when Cubone evolves into Marowak, the skull becomes a part of its head. Assuming when the Marowak dies, its Cubone child wears this skull, and the cycle continues. It feels like something from a horror movie. Cubones aren’t seen without a skull helmet, which suggests that Marowak must not live much longer after their child is born.
National Dex Number: #0752
- “It delivers headbutts with the water bubble on its head. Small Pokemon get sucked into the bubble, where they drown.”
Pokemon deaths are not really shown in the games or the anime, but it is assumed that it does happen with the inclusion of the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town.

The 12 Best Pokemon Games (According To Metacritic)
Although some of the spin-off titles have not reviewed well, nearly every mainline Pokemon game has been appreciated by fans and critics.
When it comes to Araquanid, it is revealed in its Pokemon Sun entry that it murders small Pokemon as they drown in the water bubble that encases its head. Pokemon battles do not normally result in deaths, as the Pokemon faint, awaiting to be revived at a Pokemon Center, but if Araquanid is a foe, then fans expect a slow and painful death by drowning.
National Dex Number: #0425
- “It is whispered that any child who mistakes Drifloon for a balloon and holds on to it could wind up missing.”
Drifloon’s Pokemon HeartGold & SoulSilver entry is just spine-chilling. The fact that this Pokemon will take children away is very sinister. Its balloon design is merely a ruse used to lure in its victims. Though it may be cute, that is just a distraction.
Pokemon Sun‘s entry even goes on to say it dislikes ‘heavy children.’ What is the obsession with children? Where does it take them? This Pokemon raises so many questions and provides very few answers.
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