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Marvel Characters Who Betrayed The Avengers



marvel characters who betrayed the avengers

The Avengers is a huge organization, sometimes even multiple different ones, in Marvel Comics. The huge volume of characters that have come and gone from the various Avengers teams is impossible to keep track of, even for the most comic-savvy of Marvel fans.



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These familiar faces have popped up numerous times in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

However, some moments involving team members leaving are more memorable than others. The Avengers have experienced many heartbreaking moments in their history, and most of these involve the sudden betrayal of members from within the team. Across the long history of Marvel Comics, some notable betrayals have made a real impact on the team in various ways, and some heroes that have betrayed what the team stood for didn’t even know they were in the wrong.



The Skrulls

The Ultimate Shock Reveal

the x-men as imposter skrulls
  • Happened In Secret Invasion
  • Published In 2008

The Skrulls, as MCU fans will know by now, are an alien race capable of shape-shifting. This race, enraged against humanity, allowed for one of Marvel’s most significant and shocking stories and many different sudden betrayals all at once. The Skrulls, led by their queen in the guise of Spider-Woman, took sudden action after taking over the roles of many of Earth’s heroes, allowing for absolute chaos.

This story was in the fallout of Civil War, allowing the Skrulls to take advantage of the divisions among heroes, and more heroes died as a result of this new war against the Skrulls. This story involved many heartbreaking reveals of heroes who were actually Skrulls, from Elektra to Hank Pym. Though Secret Invasion didn’t play out to the same degree in the MCU, it was a climactic comic book event.


The Sentry

The Hero Turned Dark Avenger

Sentry from the comics
  • Happened In Dark Reign
  • Published In 2008-09

Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers team was a fascinating run in Marvel Comics. Mostly, Osborn had villains masquerading as heroes, but the Sentry was an actual Avenger who was confused by Osborn and ended up joining his team. This wasn’t the most major betrayal though, the worst came later during the Siege storyline.

When the Dark Avengers clashed with Asgard, which had been transported to Earth, it led to a climactic confrontation. The Sentry became filled with rage, betraying his old and new teammates and becoming the Void, a supremely powerful being that ripped Ares in half without hesitation. Thor was forced to kill the Sentry to stop this rampage. Interestingly, Sentry may be appearing shortly in the MCU.


Hank Pym

The Crazed Schizophrenic Scientist

  • Happened In The Avengers
  • Published In 1968

Fans of the MCU will be surprised to learn that Hank Pym has had a lot of problems in the comics. Although What If showed an alternate reality where Michael Douglas’s version of the character turned evil after his daughter’s death, this is a far cry from the friendly scientist seen in the live-action Marvel movies.



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However, in the comics, Pym inhaled some particles in a lab and was never the same, changing personalities multiple times, including the villainous Yellowjacket. He also turned into an abusive husband and later created Ultron, which almost destroyed everything. The comic book Hank Pym will likely never be well-regarded as a result, thus leading to Scott Lang being chosen as the main Ant-Man in the MCU.



Wonder Man

The Creator Of The Revengers

Wonder Man in his Marvel Comics incarnation
  • Happened In The Avengers
  • Published In 2011

Wonder Man, shortly to be introduced to the MCU, started life as an infiltrator in the Avengers team, sent by the Masters of Evil to betray the team, which he did, although he redeemed himself before his death. He later returned and became a frequent member of the team over the many years since.

However, after a series of mishaps, losses and deaths to various members and damage to the wider universe, Wonder Man stopped seeing the Avengers as a force of good. He betrayed the team, attacking them with a group of forgotten heroes formed into the Revengers, but after this team caused a great deal of collateral damage, he stopped seeing the point in them and turned back to the side of good.


Scarlet Witch

The Supreme Being Pushed Over The Edge

Marvel Heroes Who Could Beat Homelander- Scarlet Witch
  • Happened In Avengers Disassembled
  • Published In 2004

Wanda Maximoff has one of the most turbulent histories of any character in Marvel Comics. Her villainous turn from the Avengers took the spotlight in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, but it has played out in numerous comic book stories over the years as well. Wanda’s powers place her in a precarious position often, like when she betrayed the X-Men in House of M. However, her destruction of the Avengers was a far more shocking betrayal.

The Avengers were brought into complete disarray as attacks caused Tony Stark to embarrass them at the United Nations, a random bloody rage led She-Hulk to kill Vision, and both Scott Lang and Hawkeye were killed as well. Wanda’s actions were spurred by the reawakened memory of her children, and her subsequent blaming of the Avengers for their loss, driving her completely insane and leading to more stories involving her terrifyingly strong powers being unleashed.


Tony Stark

Had To Be Confronted By His Younger Self

civil war
  • Happened In The Crossing
  • Published In 1995

Tony Stark is one of the most loyal and consistent members of the Avengers. He has held many major roles, including leading different Avengers teams, across his long history within Marvel Comics. He arguably betrayed the Avengers in Civil War, not when he signed the registration for superheroes, so much as when he secretly created a clone of Thor to try and win the war. Unleashing this led to the death of the superhero Goliath, a monstrous act.


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In the Marvel Comics, Tony Stark creates the gadgets he uses as the superhero Iron Man. These are some of the best and most iconic.

However, Tony’s worst betrayal was far more long-reaching and occurred earlier, during the Crossing storyline. This featured the Avengers facing off against Kang the Conqueror, and the revelation that Tony had been working with Kang for years. This stunning betrayal led to the Avengers bringing a younger version of Tony from the past to confront this traitorous version, and though Tony made the right decision eventually, this was damaging to his heroic legacy.


The Hulk

The Terror Of World War Hulk

hulk fighting the avengers, spider-man and fantastic four
  • Happened In World War Hulk
  • Published In 2007

Although he was betrayed first, arguably, the Hulk did a great deal of damage in a particularly memorable storyline from the comics. The Illuminati group, including some Avengers, banished Hulk into space, tricking him and leading to the death of the Hulk’s pregnant wife, although this was later revealed not to be the fault of the Illuminati. Hulk then landed on the planet Sakaar and absorbed radiation, making him more powerful than ever.

Hulk then led an army to Earth and took vengeance on each member of the Illuminati that voted for his banishment, being confronted by and defeating many other heroes and teams along the way, including multiple different Avengers teams. Though Hulk eventually calmed down, this war was hugely damaging, nearly destroying the Earth.



Carol Danvers

The Kickstarter Of Civil War 2

  • Happened In Civil War 2
  • Published In 2016

Many MCU fans won’t be aware that there was actually a second Civil War event in Marvel Comics. This wasn’t over superhuman registration, it instead focused on an ethical debate between Iron Man and Captain Marvel over whether it was right to arrest people for crimes that hadn’t happened yet but had been predicted by a new Inhuman with predictive abilities.

Captain Marvel’s belief that people shouldn’t be given free will was a betrayal of the Avengers’ own morals. She ends this story by leading the superhero community as an ambassador of the President, but her attack on Captain America and attempted arrest of Miles Morales leave a bitter taste in the mouths of many fans.


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